Windows 10 Super Lite provided additional and excellent compatibility for Seguindo athletes or new methods also reintroducing the removal of various parts desativar> Remover NEW Modified and removed commands Apologizing privacy in the form slightly changed bug fixes and offerer supports Appx relationship programs. Full support for xbox, removal of curved mouse for xbox gamepass, 'natural' curved padrao do me 'natural' permanes based on the process for two weeks ago two weeks CPU Melhorias de estabilidad Version, idioms and recursions for Xbox corresponded to functions or esperados (GameBar não testado) Apenas aplicaciones UWP essentials são mantidos Applications with applications with ana removida and completely deactivated Pode sa reinstallation atraverso da Loja, sa desejeado Excelente estabilita e compatirequebilité as 2 compatibilita - 2. S1.0 Criado por: Revision Tamanho: 2.85 GB Compilation : 332045: 329041 C2C6A5A16EF SHA-1: 227FA7E08C1AAA308DD92C52FADCCE29F661BC2A